FAQ - Frequently asked questions
What does the Guided Learning Hours (GLH) number on my qualification information mean?
Guided Learning Hours (GLH) are the number of delivery hours your awarding organisation has assigned to the qualification. This is the minimum number of hours of direct tutor guidance and supervision they have said it will take a learner to reasonably be expected to understand the qualification content and have the ability to pass the assessment.
Where a training centre accesses qualification funding for each learner this is typically based on the number of Guided Learning Hours assigned to that qualification, and that you should expect to receive from the centre. For example the CPCAB Level 2 Certificate in Counselling has 90 GLH assigned to it, so you will receive that number of direct taught/supervised hours from your training centre. This may be face-to-face in a classroom, or via live online delivery.
If you attend a course where you receive less than the stated number of Guided Learning Hours, it is worth questioning this. This means you may not be receiving enough tutor guidance and support to enable you to gain the skills and knowledge the qualification represents.